When I started my business it began as a blog. A teeny tiny little blog.
It wasn't much of anything really, just a few posts here and there about my work and my life. As my work and my life got busier so did my blog. My work became more interesting so my blog became more interesting and I started to find my groove. You could almost say that my business grew out of my blog - an organic process almost.
And I loved every second of it.
Until one day I didn't. I totally and utterly fell out of love with my blog. My business took over and my blog just became another chore in the never ending list of things to get done by the end of the week. And that's not what blogging is about is it?
So I took a break. A pretty long break. And to be honest I wasn't sure if I would ever properly blog again. Except that a day came when I had an email from one of my most favourite inspirations - April Bowles. An incredible blogger with no end of energy and amazingness. It made me reassess. How on earth had I let myself fall out of love with one of my very favourite things? Something that was good for me and good for my business and gave me the sense of community that only writing a blog can. How could I do that? What kind of idiot was I?!
So I got a cup of tea (obviously) and thought about it for a while. And a while more. And then I got scared. What if I've fallen so out of love with blogging that I can never do it again? And then I started writing. I started writing this. And as I'm writing this my brain is starting to hum, ideas are starting to pop into my head, blog posts are almost writing themselves somewhere in my mind palace, and I can feel it. I'm falling in love all over again.
That's the beauty of blogging - a post about one thing can so easily become about another. It can transform and be organic and inspire and make you fall in love with something you thought had disappeared forever.
You just have to find your spark.
Your little bit of the world that excites you. It can be so teeny tiny that you might almost not even notice it exists - like the frantic tapping of your keyboard and your ideas grow. Or realising that the email asking you to participate in a blog hop has actually just sparked the ignition of falling back in love with your blog. And that is quite exciting.
It's pretty lucky that April contacted me that day wouldn't you say?
And thank-flipping-goodness she's sticking around with some more awesome inspiration. Not just for me, but for you too. April's new workshop is all about blogging and getting your voice heard and finding your spark.