Theo is home! I cannot really put into words how wonderful it is to have him home. It feels as though the world is right again - the being in limbo has stopped and we have our baby right here where he should be.
Seven long weeks in special care. No more driving to the hospital for a cuddle. No asking permission to get him out of his crib. No getting tangled up in the numerous wires whilst changing his nappy. No monitors beeping all around the room. Just us. At home. Cuddling.
Eight weeks old today. Eight whole weeks. He shouldn't even be here for another ten days. And now he weighs a massive 4lb 10oz. We have completely lost all perspective of size. To us he seems big, (although compared to his lowest weight of 2lb 10oz, he is) but then someone else looks at him and it reminds us just how 'teeny weeny' he is.
And he has the most adoring big sister a boy could hope for. Matilda has been amazing, I am so proud of her.
We finally feel able to settle into being a family of four, and it's lovely.
P.s. Photos of Theo's journey through special care are in our facebook albums here and here if you fancy having a peep. And I promise, I will be back to blogging now - with plenty of backlogged posts. So stick around!